/// P I C T U R E S ///



 Consulting & Corporate Strategy For:

  • Studio executives

  • Network executives

  • Production companies and agencies

  • Financial institutions

  • Technology corporations

  • Sports networks, leagues and teams

  • Actors and athletes

Select Clients and Projects:

  • UBS Bank - Trends by movie title

  • Streaming Networks (2016-current projects)

  • Movie Studios (2012-current projects)

  • Jukin Media (2009-2011) Early Social Media and brand strategy for the UGC video network, sold 2021 ($100M) to Trusted Media Brands.

  • Maker Studios (2006-2009) Early positioning and tactical strategies (Sold to Disney for $500mil)

  • Jewelry Television (2001-2005) Delivered strategy and network consulting for this home shopping cable network. Daily sales grew from $650k per day to $2m per day and re-brand and positioning credited for the growth.

  • Adobe (1992-2003) Early beta testing and consulting on Adobe Premiere — and COSA After Effects transition to the Adobe Suite of post tools.

  • Apple Computers (1993-2004) Early beta tester using Quadra pro towers for broadcast post production, motion graphics and full service in-house production. Ran tours and demos for schools, tech teams and traveled to Cannes Lions, London and around US at tech conferences and digital events.

  • Apple Quicktime (1995-2002) Early channel development for the Apple Quicktime Network for Saddletude (the Online Network for Equestrian Sports) using Akamai edge servers and Sorenson Media compression technologies.

  • Radius (1993-1998) Consulting and beta tester. Delivered the first ever direct to broadcast spot fed from a Radius Video Vision Studio card onto Beta SP tape, to E! Entertainment for The Howard Stern Show.

  • American Express (1989-1992) Direct mail campaign strategy and consulting over 3 years in early 90’s. Response rate reported at 25%.